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%PM, %01 %847 %2008 %19:%Apr

The Truth About Drugs A Drug Free World

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Spring Training Pitch

Spring Training Pitch - The Truth About Drugs

Dunedin, Florida – Twenty-five young people from the Drug Free Marshals spent this past beautiful Easter Sunday at a Spring Training Game between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Philadelphia Phillies in Dundedin not just watching the game, but raising awareness on the truth about drugs.

As patrons entered the park a few dozen "Drug Free Marshal Kids" took to the field with a 12 foot-long anti-drug banner. Eleven year old Sally Gatza,



Dunedin, Florida – Twenty-five young people from the Drug Free Marshals spent this past beautiful Easter Sunday at a Spring Training Game between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Philadelphia Phillies in Dundedin not just watching the game, but raising awareness on the truth about drugs.

As patrons entered the park a few dozen "Drug Free Marshal Kids" took to the field with a 12 foot-long anti-drug banner. Eleven year old Sally Gatza, herself a Drug-Free Marshal, sang both the American and Canadian national anthems to rousing applause and 15 year old Adam Charny threw the first pitch of the game.

Many visited the Drug-Free Marshal booth and thanked the kids for the work they are doing to educate others on the dangers of drugs. The Marshals gave out over 1,500 booklets to those in attendance. 

The simple truths laid out so compellingly in these booklets strips aside any myth connected with the allure of drug use.  With titles such as The Truth about Crystal Meth, The Truth about Cocaine, The Truth about Painkillers and many more, these booklets speak directly to the conscience and intelligence of our children and young adults with the added benefit of no bias from a parent or teacher. 

The purpose of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World is to empower youth and adults with the facts about drugs so they can make an informed decision to say no, and help others make the same decision.  The Foundation is a secular, non-profit organization established to meet the increasing demand for the international "Say No to Drugs, Say Yes to Life" drug prevention program, which has been conducted around the world for more than 20 years by members of Scientology churches in collaboration with the interfaith community, volunteer organizations, educational institutions and government agencies. 

If you'd like to get more information you can contact the local chapter at 727-776-2548 or visit the website 




Read 1631 times Last modified on %AM, %13 %485 %2009 %10:%Apr