Tampa Bay Informer - Health
%AM, %01 %398 %2008 %08:%Jan

Business of being born

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Coming to Theatres Jan 2008 

Birth: it’s a miracle. A rite of passage. A natural part of life. But more than anything, birth is a business. Compelled to find answers after a disappointing birth experience with her first child, actress Ricki Lake recruits filmmaker Abby Epstein to examine and question the way American women have babies.

Watch the trailer
%PM, %20 %636 %2007 %14:%Nov

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

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To Vaccinate or Not to VaccinateWe have looked at the effect of a vaccine “shot” on a two month- old baby The first of a potential seventy-four “the authorities” consider necessary to protect your child’s health.  These “authorities” are expert at convincing young parents, at of the dire consequences of failing to observe the prescribed vaccination schedule:  Expert at stirring up old fears in the mind.
Where did this fear factor originate?  Could it be a just the fear of losing one’s beloved child?  Or does this fear go deeper ?  Could it be a shadow memory of centuries of devastating diseases stealing our children, decimating populations, and destroying national morale?  Ages of terror that remain buried in man’s collective consciousness: Long forgotten memories all too easily restimulated when our fear buttons are pushed, especially when it comes to our children!   So they accept the experts advice. 

%PM, %13 %652 %2007 %14:%Nov

Get Real With ADHD!

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forever_green_gala_blake.jpgEver heard… “Well, we can discuss Ritalin”?  I asked the doctor, “Are there any other natural options?”, “What about food allergies causing some of the out of control behavior?”  Our pediatrician said I could go to an allergist, but he had not heard of any food allergies that could be connected.  I asked the allergist to test my son for red food coloring allergy since I had heard it could cause out of control behaviors.  The allergist gave us a month supply of Clariton and told us to come back if it helps.  I was outraged that none of the doctors wanted to help the underlying cause.  I was not going to put my son on dangerous, addictive prescription drugs that wouldn’t get to the cause, resulting in him having severe issues later in life; turning to street drugs.  So, I went to the best source, God.  I prayed for help because I knew He had the answer. 
%PM, %13 %642 %2007 %14:%Nov

100% Chlorine Free Pool & Jacuzzi

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Why is it that chlorine is commonly used in both swimming pools as well as the drinking water in most cities and towns? What is Chlorine?  Per the Oxford English Dictionary, Chlorine is a poisonous, irritant, pale green gaseous chemical element ORIGINATING from Greek khloros ‘green’.

Chlorine, a poisonous material, kills bacteria with relatively high efficiency. Unfortunately, with this benefit there are many serious detriments. Chlorine is a very reactive agent with a tendency to chemically bond with any and all organic materials that are commonly found in water, such as plant juice, bug parts, etc. When chlorine makes contact with these organic materials, it automatically turns into known or suspected carcinogens! How can this be good? There are many other choices that can healthfully replace chlorine’s wonderful bactericide properties without also creating carcinogens. Considering how frequently we hear of friends and loved ones dying from cancer, it would behoove us to take measures to stay away from chlorine.

There are three common fantastic alternatives to chlorine in a pool environment. 
%PM, %13 %640 %2007 %14:%Nov

Why Healthcare Must Go Green

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julie_pearson.jpgGreen has always been my favorite color, though I didn’t know why until recently.  Now it is fast becoming the world’s favorite color, and thank goodness for that.  Whether more and more people are ‘going green’ and becoming more environmentally conscious because it is trendy and cool, or because they realize it is a necessity to ensure the survival of our race, I am glad to see it.
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